Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Meal Plan Monday no more....

I did so well blogging last week, you might have wondered what happened to me this week.  Well, let's just say my neighbor made a little boo-boo while landscaping and cut our internet line.

We're back up and running now, but I won't be posting a meal plan. I probably won't be posting one for a good long while. My husband got word that he's being laid off from his second job. Our income is going down, so the variety of our food is going to go down, too.  We'll be tightening our belt where groceries are concerned, so while I am adjusting to our new, smaller food budget, I am just going to skip blogging the food.

I will, however, post tips and ideas I have had to make my family's menu even more frugal every once in awhile.  Today's post will be one of those.

This is Oster brand waffle maker DH picked up for me :)

My children LOVE to have waffles for breakfast. We were buying the organic flax waffles from Whole Foods, but you know what? They're kind of expensive per waffle.  So, because my kids love them so much, we got a waffle iron, and I will be making large batches of waffles from scratch on the weekends, and freezing them. My kids can have toasted waffles until they come out of their ears, and I will only have paid a fraction of the price.

I'll also be whipping up pancakes and french toast on the weekends. I don't have time to make fresh ones everyday. I have to be realistic about my time and where I spend it. I can make big batches on the weekend because my husband is home to spend quality time with my girls while I am in the kitchen. On weekday mornings, I have to feed my husband and children quickly because he needs to go to work, and we have school to get to. (Not to mention my kiddos resemble baby birds in the nest when they wake up. Mouths are open and chirping for food lol ).

By making my own batter for all of these items, I will be able to fit hot breakfast into my new, very small budget.  I like that. :)  So, more posts to come....just not a meal plan.  ;)

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